Wet n Wild 2014 Summer All Access Beauty Limited Edition

Hi! Happy Sunday!

I know summer is almost over , but i want to do a quick share of summer limited edition of one of my favorite brands Wet n Wild.
Let me start that the bronzers and nail polishes came out first and later eye shadow trios. and the trios I gotta tell you not easy to find! was looking all over for them ! finally my Rite Aid got them and I got them all bogo ( buy 1 get 2nd 50%off) .
Some of the eye shadow colors can be use in fall season , just because they remind me of pumpkins haha!
I know there was more a dollar nail polishes and chubby sticks but i couldn't find them :(

Enjoy some pics!


Hej !

Wiem ze lato juz sie konczy a ja przychodze z nowym postem o letniej limitowanej kolorowce z firmy ktora uwielbiam ~ Wet n Wild.
Zaczne od tego ze lakiery i bronzery kupilam juz dawno bo sie jako pierwsze ukazaly.  tydzien temu znalazlam cienie w ktorych kolorach sie zakochalam :) sa one na lato ale nie ktore moze by bylo uzywac na jesien czy nawet wiosne , z reszta same zobaczycie .
ta firma to jedna z moich ulubionych tanich firm , szkoda tylko ze w polsce chyba jeje nie znajdziecie :(. cienie sa super napigmentowane i jakos jest dobra , niektore porownywane sa do cieni z MAC czy nawet Urban Decay. ceny tez byly spoko za brozery zaplacilam $3.99 za lakiery $1.99 a za cienie $2.99 kazdy ( cienie udalao mi sie kupic bogo czyli kup 1 drugi 50% taniej )

a teraz czas na kilka fotek ..

colors from left to right:
coast to coast (blue)
beat of a Generation (pink)
contact high (green)
tippin' over the boardwalk (lilac)
love me some muscles  (orange )
($1.99 each)

Hold me close (light bronzer)
Dusk till Down (darker bronzer)
($3.99 each)

Top row:

Sun-Set to See (kinda remind me of pumpkin)
Something to rave about (the blue and yellow are gorge)
Who's Carpooling (that blue is to die for)

Bottom row:

No Scalpers Allowed (cute purples)
Lost My Wristband (this one is sooo spring-ish)
Standing My Camp-Ground (also reminds me of Fall)

Sun-Set to See (kinda remind me of pumpkin)
Something to rave about (the blue and yellow are gorge)
Who's Carpooling (that blue is to die for)
($2.99 each )

No Scalpers Allowed (cute purples)
Lost My Wristband (this one is sooo spring-ish)
Standing My Camp-Ground (also reminds me of Fall)
($2.99 each )

kisses! Monica

Pure leaf Tea ~ Review


Today I'm coming with different post nothing beauty related. Hope you will still enjoy reading it :)
I want to talk / write about Pure Leaf Tea. I received a bottle of this tea for free from  Influenster for a review.  Anyways the thing is I am a lover of anything tea and coffee related. After testing Pure leaf Tea i was totally hooked!its a great natural black tea. It does taste like a brewed tea and the plus is there so no color added and no preservatives and no artificial flavor! everything is real and natural. its brewed form real tea leaves with added sugar and some lemon to it. Really taste good , its not as sweet as i thought it would. Tip? Drinking it ice cold or over the ice!. There is a few flavor to choose from :

  • Unsweetened Ice tea
  • Sweetened Ice Tea 
  • Extra Sweet Ice Tea
  • Ice Tea with Raspberry
  • Iced Tea with Peach
  • Iced tea with Lemon
  • Green Tea with Honey 

If you a fan of tea like me, I recommend to try this one , you wont be disappointing. You can find n every grocery store for less then $2 for 18.5fl oz bottle.

Now a little bit of Pure Leaf:

In 2014, Pure Leaf's mission is to bring real food to all by supporting Wholesome Wave, a national nonprofit striving to create a more vibrant and equitable food system for everyone. Pure Leaf has already donated $100,000 to Wholesome Wave, and now we're asking fans to help donate an additional $50,000! For every like or share of this content, Pure Leaf will donate $1 to Wholesome Wave to help provide 100,000 pounds of locally grown fresh fruit and vegetables for people in our communities.

To know more about them please visit :

Pure Leaf Website

Pure leaf facebook

Also you can share with them ur local Farmer's Market ! Just go find one near by , snap a picture with a Hashtag #loveofleaves and ur location geotagged  share it on ur social media ( instagra or twitter). Like they said for every photo you shared Pure Leaf will donate $1 to Wholesome Wave , plus you will find you picture on their map! its fan and plus you help a great cause!  

Playtex Sport Fresh Balance

Hi ...!

Lets talk about Tampons! yes why not! :) I know as a woman that "That time of the month" can be not easy for some of us , and we need a best tampons that can help us go through it.  I recently got a Playtex Sport Fresh Balance (I received this product form Influenster for testing purposes). And they did choose a good time for it to send it to me,and i was able to use t shortly after i revived.

The box cotains 16 regular size tampons (absorbency range is 6-9g). there have a odor shield technology design to neutralize odors and it does . 360 degree protection design to fit ur body and its movements for protective barrier, have no problems exercising and doing my daily zumba :) very easy application , plus they do smell good!!! and I do scented tampons or pads :)
I think I will have to cheat on my U by Kotex tampons I been using for a long time. This one is amazing and if u need a good protection due to sports and being active, I   would recommend them to you! After Im done with mine , Im getting a new box for sure! Thanks Influenster and PlayTex! and #PLAYON!

Softlips Cube in Vanilla Bean ~ Review


Today's post will be about a softlips lip balm. I received this product free form Influenster.
And I got to say a BIG Thank U to Influenter for sending it to me! The best lip balm I have ever tried. And if it wasn't for them I probably would never purchase it myself.


At first I was not happy when I saw it was a Vanilla Scented ( I usually stay away form Vanilla scented cosmetics , just because the smell is too strong and it gives me headaches).But I was positively surprised with it the vanilla is not as strong as i thought it would be. I think it does have a hint of mint, so the scent was not that overwhelming.

Lets talk about the packaging :) , its super cute. Balm comes in a glass look alike cube, which is adorable. The lid lock/close with a 'click' . Its small and can be carry around and it fits in any makeup bags.

The lip balm is formulated with Shea Butter, Vitamin A, C and E. Also have a SPF15 that protects lips form uv rays. the creamy texture  goes on smoothly on the lips. Keeps lips hydrated, moist and shiny for a few hours. I also notice that it did help me with my chapped lips.
I do prefer this one better then a EOS balm , which was a bit dry on my lips. Really looking forward to try the mint and berry one as well :)


  • easy to use
  • hydrate lips
  • moisturize
  • good value
  • smells good
  • lightweight
  • effective


  • Lid ( can damage balm while closing)

I do recommend for you to try it. and inexpensive ( less the $5)  and you can get it at CVS  Rite Aid, Target Walmart , Walgreens.

Easy Spicy Shrimp Salad


Today I wanted to share with you my favorite and super easy shrimp salad.
I like mine spicy , but if you don't you can skipped the chili's in it .

All you need is :

  • 2 lbs of headless shrimp ( with or without shell , u will have to peel them later)
  • 1 box of cherry tomato
  • 1 medium size onion
  • chili ( i used 10 small ones I get them at my local Asian Supermarket)
  • Juice of 1 Lime
  • Cilantro
  • salt
  • a tiny bit of shrimp paste ( also form Asian Supermarket  but careful it smells really bad !)
If you have a shrimp with shell , you need to peel it off. then cut the shrimp n small pieces.
Cut all the tomatoes, slice onion, chop chili and cilantro. Put everything in one bowl then pour lime juice.
Shrimp u need to cook until they pink. I just put them in a pot and shimmer and at the end i add a bit of that shrimp paste , to build up the flavor.
when the shrimps are ready , add them to tomato and onion mix. Mix it all well. Serve with rice. 



dzisiaj przychodze z prostym przepisem na pyszna salatke z krewetek.
Ja lubie moja na ostro wiec dodaje duzo papryczek chli.

do salatki bedziecie potrzebowac:

  • ok 1kg krewetek ( jesli macie w Shell to musicie je poobierac z nich)
  • 1 srednia cebula
  • pomidorki koktajlowe
  • kolendra
  • papryczki chili (opcjonalnie jak kto lubi) ( ja swoje znajduje w Chinskim Markecie)
  • sok z 1 limonki lub cytryny
  • sol
  • i ja jeszcze dodaje pasy z krewetek ktora rowniez dostaje w chinskim markecie , tylko uwaga strasznie smierdzi ja sie ja gotuje )

Jak macie te krewetki w shell (skrobkach?) to je musicie odebrac i pokroic krewetki w male kawalki.
pomidorki pokroic na pol, cebule w polksiezyce , kolendre i chili posiekac. dodaj do jedne miski.
krewetki podgotowac w malym ganku bez dodatku wody czy oleju! , gotowac do czasu jak nabiora rozowego koloru, ja na koniec gotowania dodalam ta paste i jescze je dusilam przez 6min.  Dodac do pomidorkow i cebuli , wymieszac i podawac z ryzem :)

I made a Spanish Rice for my salad :) 

Day at Farmer's Market


Happy Sunday!

Today is going to be different post nothing related to beauty but to foods , which is my second big love !
Every Sunday starting form June till late November , Farmer's Market is Open :) Great place to get freshly grown vegetables and fruits, and end of September and in October PUMPKINS and all FALL decorations! The best part is its only a block away form my house! 
If you want to know more about it read here .

Here is  few pics  I snapped while shopping ! 


Hej wszystkim,

Dzisiaj przychodze z postem o jedzeniu ,a mianowicie o Farmer's Market , czyli miejce jak w Polsce rynek czy bazar gdzie mozna kupc siweze warzywa i owoce. Farmer's Market sa otwarte tylko w lecie az do pozniej jesieni ( od poczatku Czerwac do konca Listopada). Pod koniec Wrzesnia i na poczatku Pazdziernika oze kupic dynie i inne Jesienne dekoracje.  Wielki plus ze market znajduje tylko ulice od mojego domu!
jak chcecie wiecej wiedziec przczytajcie tutaj.

a teraz czas na kilka zdjec!

Brooklyn, NY 11214, USA

Polish Pizza Bread - ZAPIEKANKI by Monica


Here is a quick recipe for the best appetizer ever! in my country we call it ZAPIEKANKI and its something like a baked (usually baguette) with mushroom filling , cheese and ketchup. Also can be topped with any coleslaw. If u want to see more google ZAPIEKANKI and check it out.

Here is my version of it, the recipe belongs to my aunt , and her ZAPIEKANKI are the best . If u ever in Mikoszewo in Poland ( small town right across Wisla river close to Gdansk ) stop by her bar and buy yourself one :), if not here is a quick recipe  :

1 lbs mushrooms
4 scallions 
1 rye bread or baguette 
2 - 3 tablespoon olive oil
 salt, pepper, oregano and basil to taste
1/2 tsp red paprika powder
mozzarella cheese or cheddar to sprinkle on top

Preheat oven to 350F. Chopped scallions , Shred mushrooms.
In a bowl nixed together mushrooms and scallions, add olive oil, salt, pepper, basil, oregano , and paprika powder. Mix all until all blend in together.
Spread the mixture on bread , sprinkle with cheese and bake 10 - 15 min.
Serve right away.


xox Monica